Posts with tag: "Rochester Portrait Photographer"
Saturday, August 11, 2018
By Hayes Photography
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Each and every person that I met in relation to this project inspired me one way or the other.  Kim opened my eyes to the various challenges faced by educators who work with the developmentally disabled student. Her story speaks to the desire to help, always help, those in need.  That desire evolved and has turned into a passion that is very clear when you see her at work in her classroom.  She provides a calm and positive environment for students and staff which, in turn, gets positive results.

In her words:

My teaching passion started as a nursing student in my last clinical rotation. I was asked to teach a third grade class about the parts of the human eye. I was so excited and prepared a great lesson. I went home and told my husband (at the time) that I was going back to school to be a teacher. This is where my teaching adventure started. Through many discouraging situations including a divorce, being a single mom of an infant, working three to four jobs, having no health care, no pay on vacations, summer and holidays, and never giving up on my passion, I can say I am honored to teach in the Webster Central School District. I get to grow and learn from my students every day -- just as much as they grow and learn. I love going to work and have finally found my career home.


Kimberly Dobson

Special Education Teacher

Schlegel Road Elementary


To read more about this project and other participant's stories Click Here or go to previous posts.  Thank you for visiting and make sure to leave a comment!

Friday, July 27, 2018
By Hayes Photography
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Karen and I have known one another for many years because our children had gone to the same schools.  She began working in the school district well before I did, but when I substitute taught, I would see her from time to time.  Our daughters played basketball together so we got to know each other a bit better.  Finally, I went full-time in the district.  Unfortunately, I wouldn't see her much because I was at Thomas HS and she was at Schroeder HS.  Karen responded to my invitation to participate in the We All Have a Story photography project (find out more) with much interest and curiosity.  We sat down to talk in my studio and the more she talked the more I learned that for her, family is everything.  She talked about her life growing up, her mother and father, her grandparents, career paths taken, sacrifices that were made, but at the center of all the talk was family. When she told me about the family meal that took place every Sunday, I knew that was the image I wanted.  Over the course of weeks, the idea evolved to the final piece highlighting the legacy of her grandparents, Edgar and Candaisy Brown.  It was so nice to meet so many of the members that make up this terrific, busy, loving dynamic, large family!

In her words:

We are the legacy of Minister Edgar and Candaisy Brown, known to us as Mother and Dad. There were eleven of us raised in a home where we were taught to honor God and family. Through all the ups, downs and crazy turnarounds, we always end with unconditional love. Whether it be sorrow, joy, disappointment, tragedy, misunderstanding,uncontrollable laughter or any shocking decisions made, it is always our duty to speak the truth in love while encouraging each other. Every Sunday after church, we have dinner together. The majority of us are scattered across this country, but we still keep in contact by letters, phone and skype.


31 grands, 46 great grands , 36 great-great grands


Karen Crawford

Teaching Assistant

Webster Schroeder High School


Please make sure to check out all the other stories in previous posts as well as the featured story on WHEC-TV 10 Here

And, feel free to leave a comment!