Posts with tag: "bowling"
Tuesday, June 12, 2018
By Hayes Photography
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SEPTA (Special Education Parent Teacher Association) is a wonderful organization that I got involved with a few years ago.  I work directly with special education students in the Webster Central School District and know that it's so important to help raise awareness and funds to provide programs and services for students with acadmic needs.  SEPTA provides families with an organizational structure, resources and the opportunity to be a collective voice for their child and for all children.  

One of the events our SEPTA holds is an annual Bowling Fundraiser.  The team always puts together a wonderful event at the local AMF Empire Lanes. What a fun time!  Participants raised funds, and in return were able to bowl and possibly win any number of raffle items donated by area businesses and individuals.  They were treated to pizza and drinks, posed for the photo booth and had lots of fun.  It was my pleasure to be able to photograph this event from start to finish helping to support and promote this organization!