Posts with tag: "cancer survivor"
Tuesday, April 07, 2020
By Hayes Photography
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“You have cancer!” 

It was a devastating diagnosis which I received over four years ago.  A diagnosis that left me reeling, and questioning everything. The biggest question of all: Why me? 

Answering this question forced me to take the time to think about all aspects of my life, including how I neglected my health for so long. I realized that I put everyone else’s needs in front of my own.  I filled my days at work helping others and taking care of my family while ignoring my own needs, until I was forced to face this diagnosis and reflect on my life. Taking time to prioritize myself and accepting help was very difficult. At one point in my journey I came across a statement that said “to heal, you must take care of yourself and this requires self love”.  This took some serious work and reflection, for if you truly love yourself, you take care of your body, accept help, and do things that make you happy. This was the most powerful healing advice I have received! This helped me to change my perspective on all aspects of my life. I began to feel more empathy and kindness towards others. I recognized the depth of my love for my husband and two daughters and how much they mean to me.  I leaned into my faith and deepened my relationship with the Lord, feeling immense gratitude for the blessings in my life. I experienced true happiness in an entirely new way. How can you be happy when you have cancer? Is this truly my blessing? I believe it is! I see others for the worth that they have, I love deeper and have faith that overcomes my fear. Someone once said “hurt people hurt people”. Wow! What an insightful statement. When I look at our society, I see people who are hurt, filled with anger, hatred and ready for a fight. I believe if everyone could love themselves, it would heal their hearts, and our world would be a better place. So I challenge you to truly love yourself.  It is a blessing! 


Sandy McCormack

Special Education Teacher 

Willink Middle School (retired Spring 2019)


As of this posting, Andy (Sandy's husband) has shared in Caring Bridge (click here) that Sandy has been having a particularly difficult time through this devastating pandemic. I wanted to let her, Andy and the girls know that I'm thinking of them, praying for them and sending them positive thoughts and love. 

Update (7/17/20):  Andy shared last night that Sandy has returned to her final home with Jesus. A light has gone out that will never be turned on again. Sandy's inspirational humor and spirit through her darkest time has spread to so many that knew her. I am forever grateful to her for opening up her heart to me and to her family I wish peace and strength, love and prayers.

If you're part of Sandy's community of family and friends (and even if you're not), feel free to leave Andy and the girls a comment and/or words of support and love. <3


Thursday, October 18, 2018
By Hayes Photography
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A mutual friend, who works in the Webster Central School District, suggested I contact Steve when the invitation for participation in my photography project became known.  I'm so glad I did.  Even though I had seen him working in the various buildings throughout the years I've worked in Webster, I only had quick conversations with him and didn't really know him.  We scheduled time for coffee at a local business.  We talked, I listened and he shared with me some truly heartbreaking stories.  As difficult as it has been to hear the stories of several of the participants, I am so grateful to be there to hear them and if it offers any kind of comfort, I'm glad to do it because knowing them has enriched my life immensely.  The story we focused on for Steve has been that of a cancer survivor.  I can't even begin to understand all that he went through, but I knew that the image I wanted to create had to show the strength and will that it took to survive the harsh treatments and suffering.  With the permission of Dr. Hong Zhang, M.D., Ph.D. of the University of Rochester's Oncology Dept. at Highland Hospital, we were able to photograph Steve, Dr. Zhang and chief therapist, Keisha Bromwell, in the radiation treatment room. Steve's story, although he may not agree, is truly an inspirational one. 

In his words:

“Do you have any concerns?” asked my dental hygienist.  “Yes, I’ve had a tender spot in the bottom of my mouth for the last four or five days,” I shared.  That conversation occurred during a routine dental visit in September 2015. That tender spot turned out to be Stage 4A, HPV Virus Cancer in my right tonsil and two lymph nodes.  It would lead to 13 months of hell.

Six weeks into treatment, I had given up, with only seven treatments to go.  My incredible radiation oncologist Dr. Hong Zhang told me, “If you give up now, there is only one outcome --you will die.”  I replied, “I don’t care.” She wouldn’t let me out of the office that day until I agreed to continue treatment.

Three extended hospital stays and more procedures than I care to remember, and I’m here today.  I’m healthy with many lasting side effects of the brutal treatment that saved my life. I have so many people to thank.  My doctors weren’t sure at times if I would make it. I told them, “Only the good die young. I’m here till 160.” Here’s to the next 100 years!


Steve Ange


Buildings and Grounds

To find out more about this diverse photography project Click Here and read other participant's stories prior to this one.  Thanks for visiting and leave a comment!!!