Posts with tag: "professional photography"
Friday, July 04, 2014
By Linda Dow Hayes
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High school graduations are now complete and summer has begun and it's time for me to reflect back on all the wonderful families and high school seniors I've met and worked with through the last year.  As a boutique portrait studio, I do not seek volume work.  I seek to create quality portrait work for a select amount of people.  In choosing this path, I am able to work closely with my clients, get to really know them, their interests, passions, etc. and create some truly memorable and meaningful images.  The twenty-six high school seniors who's portrait sessions I did, were a joy to work with!  They came from several schools and each one of them was special and wonderful.  I want to thank them and their families for allowing me the honor to capture them photographically.  They have now graduated and will be moving on this Fall to the next phase of their lives from college to military service, work to volunteering.  I wish each and every one of them the best that this life has to offer.  Congratulations Class of 2014!!!


Hayes Photography, senior pictures, senior portraits, class of 2014, Webster, NY, Rochester, location photography, studio photography

Thursday, October 03, 2013
By Linda Dow Hayes
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By now you know how much I love photography, especially portrait photography, but I also love shooting sports, events and landscapes.  I enjoy photography so much that I jump at the chance to share my knowledge when people ask for help.  This summer, I was asked by a young man in Webster, Joe Fiorica of Webster Schroeder High School, to help him out with his Eagle Scout project.  You see Joe was planning on photographically documenting the Friends of Webster Trails system and creating a valuable on-line resource for the community and anyone visiting our area.  We have a wealth of excellent hiking trails and Joe's project was just the thing to document and organize them.  The Democrat and Chronicle's Missy Rosenberry recently wrote a blog about Joe and his project.  If you're interested in reading it, click here

Eagle Scout, Webster, Boy Scouts, Friends of Webster Trails, Hayes Photography, Joe Fiorica, Webster Schroeder High School

Joe Fiorica of Troop 363 prepares to photograph one of the many trails he documented in Webster.

(photographer unknown)


Eagle Scout, Webster, Boy Scouts, Friends of Webster Trails, Hayes Photography, Joe Fiorica, Webster Schroeder High School

 Linda Dow Hayes of Hayes Photography (far left) was asked by Eagle Scout, Joe Fiorica (2nd

from left), to educate his team about digital photography and photographing nature.

(photographer unknown)

To view Joe's finished slideshow project, click here