Posts with tag: "people portraits"
Friday, May 25, 2018
By Hayes Photography
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Today begins the first of a bi-weekly blog post featuring an individual who participated in my project We all Have a Story.  I've spoken about the project in previous posts so click here  to find out more about it. 

Sarah Rosenberry is a music teacher at Plank Road North Elementary School in Webster, NY. As with most of my subjects, she responded to my invitation out of curiosity, but also with an interest in trying something new, different and challenging.  This seems to be the norm for this young woman who is passionate and vibrant about so many things in her life.  From her work teaching music to hundreds of children every day to competing in triathalons, sweating it out with Crossfit and volunteering as a Webster Fire Fighter, Sarah pushes herself to do her very best and always tries to improve, something she's learned from her father Jim Mossey. Jim competed in the 1980 Winter Olympics in Lake Placid as a Luger.  She admits that his competitive nature as well as the desire to push through a challenge are traits that were passed down from father to daughter and he continues to be one of her biggest supporters and certainly her #1 fan! (man on the bike)

In her own words...

 "He is my inspiration, my coach, my friend, and my dad.  Because of him, I have learned to have the drive and perseverance to set goals, then achieve them.  Whether it's forming my own band, teaching music to 500 students, finishing a triathlon, or becoming a firefighter, I am who I am because of my dad."


Tuesday, May 01, 2018
By Hayes Photography
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Almost six months ago I embarked on something that scared the heck out of me, but in a good way.

It actually began a little before that at the end of August.  Yes, I'm a professional photographer, but I'm also a teaching assistant at Webster Thomas High School.  That day in August, I attended the superintendent's opening day meeting for the upcoming school year.  Carmen Gumina had some wonderful remarks for the day, but one really hit home.  He talked about the fact that we all have stories to tell. By sharing these stories within the One Webster family and beyond, Webster CSD colleagues become even more connected to each other and the students they serve. 

As someone who's always been a talker and a lover of being around people, his message really resonated with me.  I spend my days, during the school year, working with students, talking with many people learning who they are, what makes them happy how they click.  I thrive getting to know people. The photography part of my life finds me creating images of people of who they are, what they like doing in places that they like spending time.  It just made sense to combine these two ideas

I'd been searching for a personal project idea and I knew this might be it.  I met with Carm and talked about a partnership to allow this idea to come to life.  Fortunately, he was on board and the process began.  

After hundreds of emails, over thirty interviews, 25 photography sessions and a lot of editing time, the culmination of all that hard work has paid off.  My exhibit "We All Have a Story opens today, May 1, at the Webster Public Library.  

I'm exhausted, scared, nervous, anxious, excited!

I'm so grateful to the district, Superintendent Carmen Gumina and those who opened up their lives and their hearts to me to create this exhibition.  My hope, if you're able, is for you to make some time and come see these unique, emotional collection of images, read the narratives (written by the subjects) and reflect on the fact that as human beings, we all have a story.  What's yours?