Posts with tag: "hockey"
Monday, April 06, 2020
By Hayes Photography
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I have always encouraged my children to be open to trying new things and challenging experiences.  I believe the reward is usually worth the hard work and effort. For years, I enjoyed watching my son Sean play hockey.  It looked like such a fun game. When a friend asked me if I wanted to join a “learn to play hockey” program I decided to give it a try.  At the time I didn’t even know how to skate. I quickly fell in love with the game and joined an adult women’s hockey team. Sean helped me to learn positioning and better understand strategy.  He helped me practice my skills on our backyard rink. Soon thereafter, my daughter Katie decided that she wanted to play as well. I ended up being an assistant coach for Katie’s youth hockey teams for five years.  I was with her on the ice at practices and on the bench at games. We spent countless hours in the car and nights in hotels, traveling to her competitions. Hockey was a big part of Sean’s and Katie’s childhood and was a common experience that tied us together.   

The joy and feeling of accomplishment I get from playing hockey is definitely worth the years of effort it took to get here.  Hockey is my happy place. And every now and then, my kids make my day and join me on the ice once again.

Marnie Weinmann


Plank North Elementary

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